Learn the PMI-way faster than a speeding tiger! #PROJECTFLO6 gamification

Learn the PMI-way faster than a speeding tiger!

We've summarized their 750+ page book on one page and made it a game.
Grab Your Tablet, Tiger!


Based on PMI’s Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - Sixth Edition, released in late 2017, you will learn:   ​

  • 5 Process Groups through Imagery
  • 10 Knowledge Areas through 10 carefully chosen colors 
  • 49 Processes illustrated on a Visual Process Map

The PROJECT GENERAL COMPANY is a proud sponsor of #SYMEX2019.  Look for us in BALI, Indonesia. We will have a booth displaying our learning tools including #PROJECTFLO6  on March, 2019.
