Comcast Says It Will Begin Encrypting Emails at Google's Urging
Written by: Brittany Umar
Tickers in this article: CMCSA GOOG (UPDATED BY ENDAH)
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Comcast announced it will answer Google's call to begin encrypting emails to enhance users' security online.
Comcast has answered Google's call to email providers to use encryption to enhance users' security.
On Tuesday, Google revealed its email traffic with other providers that remains encrypted and found than less than 1% of messages sent from Gmail to addresses remained encrypted. Google has been encrypting its Gmail messages since 2010, but it only remains that way if it's encrypted on both the send and receipt ends.
Comcast said it would begin encrypting its users' emails for security. Encryption means the data within the message is scrambled, making it more difficult for government surveillance or snoops to access the information. The issue has become a hot one since tactics of the U.S. government to monitor online communications through the National Security Administration came to light.
Comcast's decision is a significant one as it said it is the largest high-speed Internet provider to residential customers in the U.S. In New York, I'm Brittany Umar reporting for TheStreet.
-- Written by Brittany Umar in New York.