‘Devil’ apprehended for hacking websites

‘Devil’ apprehended for hacking websites 

Devil arrested for hacking Websites (source link here)

   Yuliasri Perdani, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | National | Thu, January 09 2014, 8:39 AM

(Updated by Endah)


The National Police have arrested a 21-year-old man, identified as Harison, for allegedly hacking into the Election Organizers Ethics Council (DKPP) website and 168 other websites.

The police’s special economic crimes director, Brig. Gen. Arief Sulistyanto said on Wednesday that Harison was arrested in Lahat, South Sumatra, on Tuesday after defacing the DKPP website on Dec. 27, 2013.

“He said that his motivation was to have bragging rights in the cyber world. On his social media account, he boasted that he had hacked 169 websites. He also provided guidance for some netizens on how to launch cyber attacks,” Arief said at National Police headquarters in Jakarta.

The police found that Harison, worked under codenames like CHMOD755 and Setan dari Surga (Devil from Heaven), has hacked websites of universities, schools and local government institutions.

Harison is now facing 10 years in prison and a Rp 5 billion fine under the 1999 Telecommunications Law, the 2008 Information and Electronic Transactions Law and the Criminal Code.

Arief said that Harison had been transferred to Jakarta for further questioning.

In response to the hacking attempts, Arief called on other election bodies — in particular the General Elections Commission (KPU) — to beef up their websites’ security.

“The use of information technology will make the agencies prone to cyber attacks. So they must build strong and up-to-date protective measures,” he said.

The nation’s election bodies, like the KPU and the DKPP, saw a surge in activities as they are stepping up their preparations for the legislative election on April 9 and the presidential election on July 9.

“The crime investigations chief has formed a special team to respond to any sudden [cyber] attack like this one. The special team, consisting of 10 investigators, works under the auspices of the police’s cybercrime subdivision,” Arief said.

Also on Wednesday, National Police chief Gen. Sutarman convened a closed-door meeting with regional police officials to discuss the detailed security plan for the election.

“The security operation will last 224 days, starting from March 16 up until the inauguration of the president-elect and the legislators,” Sutarman said.

The police chief said that he had ordered regional police chiefs to focus their operations on polling stations that are prone to security threats.

“We must closely guard ballot boxes in some conflict-prone areas. Among the areas are a number of regencies in South Sulawesi and Maluku,” he said.

This year, up to 171,265,442 people are expected to cast their votes in 519,920 polling stations.

Given the increasing number of polling stations and voters, the National Police have proposed Rp 3.5 trillion (US$287 million) to safeguard the upcoming election.

So far, the government has only approved Rp 1 trillion of the proposed budget.
